Toor e Mohabbat Novel By Memoona Nasrullah

toor e mohabbat novel

Toor e Mohabbat novel written by Memoona Nasrullah. Memoona Nasrullah is one of the famous author in Pakistan. She written so many novels and books and this novels “toor e mohabbat novel” is the master piece on his career he write. The novel all about Second marriage based novel best socio romantic Urdu novel . For more like this type of novel please visit our home page.

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toor e mohabbat novel story

She was pressing her head between her knees, tears streaming down her eyes in boundless fear. Her existence was trembling subtly. She had lost track of how much time had passed. The notion of day and night in this cursed place had become a forgotten memory. Trying to recall fleeting moments and passing time felt like centuries had gone by.

“Oh God…” She wiped her face with her hands, standing up from the mattress. Lost as to where she was and why she had been brought here. In this dimly lit room, the only tube light that illuminated the place was hung a meter above the ground, casting light onto a small wooden table in one corner of the room, with a jug and a glass. Besides the table, there was a bathroom. There was no window in the room, only a small switch on one side and a tiny vent.

Initially, she remained in a state of semi-consciousness, unaware of her whereabouts and the reasons, and now, after hours of consciousness had passed. She glanced at her wrist and saw a watch she had worn. But there it was, the same terrifying reality. The date and time were noted: the tenth date, and the time was one in the morning. When she had left home for the hospital, it was the eighth date and eight o’clock. This meant she had spent the second night here.

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